Python Serial Control Example

Download the Serial Example: DSIPythonEX (zipped .py)

After python and the pyserial module has been installed on your system, this example code will send connect, send, and receive commands from our products:

# for PYTHON 3+ with pySerial module installed# DS INSTRUMENTS 2017 PYTHON SCPI REMOTE CONTROL EXAMPLE

import serial   # use the serial module (

import time     # delay functions

badCommandResponse = b'[BADCOMMAND]\r\n’    # response if a command failed (b makes it into bytes)

ser = serial.Serial(“COM79”, 115200, timeout=1) #Change the COM PORT NUMBER to match your device

if ser.isOpen():    # make sure port is open

print( + ‘ open…’)    # tell the user we are starting


ser.write(b’*IDN?\n’)   # send the standard SCPI identify command

myResponse = ser.readline()    # read the response

print(b’Device Info: ‘ + myResponse) # print the unit information


time.sleep(0.1)    # delay 100ms

ser.write(b’PHASE?\n’)       # try asking for phase

myResponse = ser.readline() # gather the response

if myResponse != badCommandResponse:    #is this is not a phase shifter why print the error

print(b’Phase=’ +myResponse)


time.sleep(0.1)  # delay 100ms

ser.write(b’FREQ:CW?\n’)  # try asking for signal generator setting

myResponse = ser.readline()  # gather the response

if myResponse != badCommandResponse:  # is this is not a signal generator why print the error

print(b’Frequency=’ + myResponse)


time.sleep(0.1)  # delay 100ms

ser.write(b’ATT?\n’)  # try asking for step attenuator setting

myResponse = ser.readline()  # gather the response

if myResponse != badCommandResponse:  # is this is not an attenuator why print the error

print(b’Attenuation=’ + myResponse)


time.sleep(0.1)  # delay 100ms

ser.write(b’FREQ:CW 3GHZ\n’)  #lets change a setting now!

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Thanks for your patience!